This Memorandum of Agreement made and entered into on (Month Day, Year), by and between the Robert E. and Evelyn McKee Foundation (the Foundation) and _________________ (Grantee).


The Foundation agrees to provide funding as requested to Grantee subject to the following conditions:

1.        Grantee agrees to utilize all funds provided specifically for the requested purpose or purposes as described in the Grantees letter of request dated ________________________.


Amount to be funded:  $___________

Requested purpose: ________________________________________________________

2.                Grantee agrees to provide the Foundation with a final utilization and expenditure report regarding the purpose or purposes of the provided funding.  For future funding eligibility, this final report must be sent to the Foundation office prior to our December 15th deadline of the year in which funding is received.

3.                Any sums not utilized by Grantee for the requested purpose or purposes shall remain the property of, revert to and be returned to the Foundation within 10 days after December 31 of the final year in which funding was to be expended.  Any modifications to the Grantee’s original funding proposal relative to use, scope, etc. must be submitted in writing to the Foundation for approval prior to implementation.

4.              Grantee agrees to provide supporting documentation to the Foundation’s independent auditor detailing how funds were used in the event that the Grantee’s contribution is selected for testing by the auditor as part of the Foundation’s annual audit.

This agreement is accepted by signing below.

Robert E. and Evelyn McKee Foundation (the Foundation)
5835 Cromo Drive, Suite 1
El Paso, Texas  79912-5501

__________________________________________      Dated:_____________

Louis B. McKee, President

__________________________________________      (Grantee)

__________________________________________       Dated:______________

__________________________________________       Dated:______________